The movie starts with interspersed scenes from Sadak – the movie from a long long time ago – which according to fable was a iconic release of those times. Sanjay Dutt looked like a dork and Pooja Bhat – Alia Bhat’s sister looked like a ruffled mass of fluffy hair – and quite outdated.

The movie seems to have a confused track, an outdated story that no longer makes sense to the audience today used to much better scripts and seems to trying to wean its way into the masses based on some goodwill the producers think they may have due to the previous version of the franchise or the star power of the younger Bhatt.

Having said that, the apparent core of the story being the influence on Godmen in the lives of their devotees, the story goes nowhere! Sanjay Dutt, the driver who drives the couple (Bhatt and boyfriend and apparent killer Roy Kapoor).

There is really nothing to watch in the entire movie – a little into the narrative – we really lost interest – when young Bhatt started her activism – we woke up for a bit but we still couldn’t find the joy in the painful time spent in trying to figure out the real plot , the narration , the motivation of the characters and why Pooja Bhatt would keep spooking us by popping in every now and then!

In short, don’t waste your time!

Mahesh Bhatt needs an upgrade and a reality check.

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