Akshay Kumar has been sharing posters, behind the scene pictures, and teaser of his upcoming film ‘Ram Setu’ almost regularly. A quick look at his recent social media posts will surely make his fans all too excited. On Friday, sharing a new poster of the film, Akshay wrote, “Inspired by all the amazing posters that you have been creating, here is something I worked on with the team. Hope you like it. #RamSetu trailer out on Tuesday, 11th October, 2022.”
And now, the dashing actor has shared yet another video which seems to be a clip from the official trailer. Sharing the short video clip he wrote, “Taiyaar ho jaiye #RamSetu ki duniya ko aur bhi kareeb se dekhne ke liye, bas teen dinon mein!” As soon as he dropped video the post went viral as fans flooded the comment section with appreciation.
‘Ram Setu’ also stars Nushrratt Bharuccha, and Jacqueline Fernandez and marks the Bollywood debut of Telugu actor Satyadev. The adventure flick is set to hit the big screens on October 25. Akshay is also super excited about the stunts he has done in the film. In an earlier Instagram post he shared this still and wrote, “Ram Setu features exciting and thrilling action. Bahut time baad itna adrenaline rush mila!”
‘Ram Setu’ follows the journey of an archaeologist who is working to investigate the nature of the Ram Setu bridge to figure out if it is a myth or a reality.