Kriti Sanon has reunited with Dinesh Vijan for the sixth time for Bhediya. The trailer of the creature comedy was released at a grand event in Mumbai on October 19. Lead actor Varun Dhawan celebrated his 10-year anniversary at the trailer launch and the whole team raised laughs with their quotes. The movie releases on 25th Nov in theaters.


Bhediya is a part of the horror comedy universe, along with Stree (2018) and Roohi (2021). At the event, Kriti Sanon was asked if she would like to also play the role of a creature or a horror character. To which, Kriti joked, “Mere andar sirf real life mein jaanwar aata hai. Screen pe (nahin aata).”

Varun Dhawan then suddenly jumped into the conversation and asked Dinesh Vijan, “Wasn’t there a script that you had run by her?”

To which Dinesh Vijan revealed, “We were going to make a vampire film with Kriti. Lekin fir woh Bhediya mein aa gayi. Toh woh (uss film mein) nahin ho saki.”

Kriti Sanon, meanwhile, was surprised how Varun Dhawan gave out an inside information. “Yeh khud leak karta hai stories,” she remarked.

Dinesh Vijan added, “Varun Dhawan constantly wants controversies. He wants his stories to track and he wants his trailer to reach out far and wide. Hence, humne aapko inside scoop de diya hai of a non-announced film!”

And that’s not all. Kriti Sanon asked Dinesh Vijan, “Why do you always see a dark side of Varun Dhawan?” Dinesh raised laughs as he replied, “Maybe I have seen him like the way David uncle hasn’t!”

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