Brahmastra, the fantasy drama that features Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles, has emerged as one of the biggest commercial successes of Bollywood in recent times. The big-budget venture, which is based on Indian mythology, is helmed by the talented filmmaker Ayan Mukerji. Brahmastra was under production for around 9 years, before it finally hit the theatres across the globe on September 9, this year

Brahmastra is finally set to get its much-awaited digital release on Disney Plus Hotstar/Hulu on November 4, Friday.

Brahmastra will be available for streaming in five Indian languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.

For the uninitiated, director Ayan Mukerji and his team have planned Brahmastra as a three-part film series. The movie, which successfully established a fantasy world rooted in Indian mythology and culture named ‘Astraverse’ will soon get a second and third installment. The massive success of Brahmastra: Part One- Shiva, has totally raised the expectations for the next installments of the trilogy. The second part, which has been titled Brahmastra: Part Two – Dev, is expected to start rolling in 2023. The much-awaited project is slated to hit the theatres in December 2025.

Ranbir Kapoor played the central character Shiva in Part One, which featured Alia Bhatt in the role of his lady love, Isha. The movie featured Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna Akkineni, and Mouni Roy in the other pivotal roles. The second part, which reportedly revolves around Shiva’s parents Dev and Amrita’s story, will have another two biggest stars of Hindi cinema joining its star cast. The Brahmastra universe is also expected to expand further, with a spin-off on Scientist Mohan Bhargav, the character played by Shah Rukh Khan.

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