Filmmaker Boney Kapoor unveiled the first look poster and teaser of his daughter, Janhvi Kapoor’s upcoming movie Mili. This is the first time that the father-daughter duo have worked together on a movie. Helmed by Mathukutty Xavier, Mili is bankrolled by Boney.

In the teaser, we see Janhvi’s Mili struggling to survive in a room with sub-zero temperatures. Her face and her nails are bruised while she tries different things to let herself out. We also get a glimpse of Sunny Kaushal in the teaser, who looks tensed as he rides a motorcycle.


Mili is a survival thriller which also stars Manoj Pahwa in a pivotal role. It is a remake of the Malayalam film Helen. The film’s shooting commenced in August 2021 in Mumbai.

Mili is a survival thriller which also stars Manoj Pahwa and Sunny Kaushal. It is a remake of the Malayalam film Helen. The film’s will be in theaters Nov 4

Actor Anna Ben, who won the Kerala State Film Award (Special Jury Award) for her performance in Helen, is excited for Mili. In an interview with IndiaToday.in, she shared, “I am very excited for Mili because Mathukutty has directed the film in Hindi as well.”

Talking about Janhvi, the Helen actor said, “I have heard all wonderful things about her and how the movie has turned out, from the people on the sets. I know she will be brilliant in the film, can’t wait to watch her.” Janhvi was last seen in Aanand L Rai’s Good Luck Jerry.

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