This film centers around Anita “Ani” Tyagi (Athiya Shetty), who has the great Indian dream of settling abroad and Pushpinder Tyagi (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), a Dubai based hapless bachelor desperate for a woman to fulfill his desires. They’re total opposites in every way but Ani concocts a plan to make Pushpinder fall in love with her to go abroad… and then I think you can predict how it goes. Their marriage is a sham, there’s some conflict and then Ani suddenly realizes that Pushpinder is much more valuable than settling abroad.

​The first half of this film had some funny quips but the second half was painfully long (like, even quarantine can’t make this film seem short). Its only joke in it centered around Pushpinder and Ani running between each other’s houses, unable to find each other, something that could’ve been done by a fourth grader. Hot button issues like dowry were briefly mentioned but basically ignored, with the filmmakers instead opting for misogyny, like when Ani needs to fix issues in a marriage that aren’t her fault.

Shetty initially plays the firebrand small town girl role well (seriously Bollywood, we’re tired of this trope) but by the end is insufferably annoying. Siddiqui’s talent is completely wasted on the socially awkward small town boy role and he plays it with such boredom. The supporting caste shines and are perhaps the only redeeming quality of this movie. So if you want to sit through three hours of absolutely no substance, this is the movie for you.

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