The documentary film “Zende,” narrating the captivating story of distinguished officer Madhukar Zende who notably apprehended the infamous Charles Sobhraj on two separate occasions, is slated for its global debut at the esteemed Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. This notable piece is the brainchild of Dora Digs Studios, with newcomer Akshay Shah sitting in the director’s chair. “Zende” sets a precedent as one of the pioneering Indian feature documentaries employing artificial intelligence (AI) technology to vividly revitalize and depict some of Mumbai’s hallmark locations and historical episodes.
The narrative journeys alongside Zende, who bowed out of service as an assistant commissioner of police, epitomizing a illustrious career with Sobhraj’s captures being mere excerpts of his adventures. The chronicle, which spans a rich timeline of over forty years, invites the audience into the sinister heart of Bombay, as it was known in yesteryears. Zende’s distinctive approach, fueled by benevolence and a staunch resolve for meaningful transformation, transcended conventional norms; from subduing notorious mobsters to pacifying communal uprisings.
Joining forces in the production realm are co-producers Haware and Muskan Singhal, with Shachi Singh helming creative production. The team is further bolstered by associate producers Anuttara Pandit and Jitin Hingorani, while Prathamesh Kamble, Nilesh Dhawde, and Jitendra Kumar step in as additional producers. Entrusted with the research helm and associate directorship is Ankur Jain.
The trilingual venture, articulated in English, Hindi, and Marathi, is set to grace the screen as a part of MAMI’s Focus South Asia segment, awaiting its momentous unveiling on October 31.