CAST: Kim Myung Soo (L), Choi Jin Hyuk, Choi Min Soo, Yeonwoo

DIRECTOR: Kim Chil-bong


Ho Woo makes history as the first-ever high school graduate to land a position as an accountant at the country’s premier accounting firm straight out of school. Endowed with an exceptional memory, keen observation skills, remarkable adaptability, and a strong sense of justice, Ho Woo stands out among his peers.

Guiding him through the labyrinthine world of accounting is Yeon A, a seasoned senior colleague. Her mentorship proves invaluable as she aids Ho Woo in deciphering the mysteries that lie hidden within the numbers.

However, shadows loom large within the firm, with Vice President Jae Kyun at the center. Outwardly, Jae Kyun is renowned for his generosity, but beneath this façade lies a relentless ambition. He won’t flinch at bending the rules to grasp what he covets.

In a firm where corruption threatens to taint the very fabric of its existence, will Ho Woo’s unwavering commitment to justice prevail? Join him as he navigates a world where numbers hold secrets and morality is tested.

“Numbers” has rolled out a meticulously crafted character relationship diagram that lays bare the intricate web of connections between the characters inhabiting Taeil Accounting Firm, the central setting of the drama, and its principal client companies. The chart, a treasure trove gleaned from rigorous research, brings to life the inner workings of an accounting firm in a manner so authentic it could easily pass for a real-world establishment.

But that’s not all. The chart is also an intriguing tapestry that whets viewers’ appetites for the stellar performances to come. Featuring an ensemble cast including Kim Myung Soo, Choi Jin Hyuk, Choi Min Soo, Yeonwoo, Sungyeol, Kim Young Jae, Bae Hae Sun, and Jung Hae Kyun, the diagram teases the depths to which these actors have delved into their characters.

With just a glance, viewers are not only equipped with an understanding of the multifaceted relationships that shape the narrative but also find themselves eagerly awaiting the alchemy of a storyline enriched by a realistic setting and actors who are wholly invested in their roles.

“Numbers” Starring Kim Myung Soo, Choi Jin Hyuk, Yeonwoo, And More Unveils Relationship Chart

Central to the narrative is the dynamic triad of rookie accountant Jang Ho Woo, seasoned accountant Han Seung Jo, and Vice President Han Je Gyun. Viewers are especially eager to discover how Jang Ho Woo and Senior Manager Han Seung Jo will band together in pursuit of a common cause, and how their alliance will stand in the face of corruption and adversity. Further fueling the intrigue is the complex father-son dynamic between Han Seung Jo and Han Je Gyun, alongside the blossoming mentor-mentee relationship between Jang Ho Woo and Senior Associate Jin Yeon Ah (Yeonwoo), who seems to take a special interest in him.

An aspect that captures viewers’ imaginations is the meticulously detailed organizational chart of Taeil Accounting Firm, showcasing the dual engines of the firm: the Deal Department and the Audit Department. The Deal Department, a powerhouse comprised of Vice President Han Je Gyun, Shim Hyung Woo (Sungyeol), Jang Ho Woo, Jin Yeon Ah, Han Seung Jo, and Eun Seok Min (Seo Eun Woo), spearheads corporate M&A, financial due diligence, valuation, and restructuring. In contrast, the Audit Department, helmed by Ahn Seung Yeon (Bae Hae Sun) and Kang Hyun (Kim Young Jae), is the watchdog ensuring accounting transparency and the integrity of financial statements. In a masterstroke of realism, the chart deftly stratifies the staff, from the fledgling associates to the commanding presence of the Vice President.

Beyond the walls of Taeil Accounting Firm, the plot thickens with the inclusion of its allied companies Jisan Bank and Sanga Group. The chart teems with other compelling characters, including the formidable Jang In Ho (Nam Myung Ryul), president of Haevit Construction, the enigmatic Ong Cheon Ja (Sung Byung Sook), and Jang Ho Woo’s steadfast allies and best friends Song Yeo Jin (Do Yeon Jin) and Gong Hee Sam (Kim Sun Bin).

With a rich tapestry of characters and an enthralling web of relationships, viewers eagerly await the unfolding drama that promises to be as complex and multi-dimensional as the world it portrays.

With an episode already streaming on Viki, we cannot wait to see this interesting show reveal it’s cards.



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