Cast: Rani Mukerji, Anirban Bhattacharya, Tina Tauraite, Kristjan Üksküla, Erki Laur, Neena Gupta, Jim Sarbh, Carol Tamm, Jason E. Medina

Director: Ashima Chibber

Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway Movie Review: MRS CHATTERJEE VS NORWAY is a ...

Imagine in front of your eyes, your baby is stealthily taken away from you and you are confused, scared as to what is happening with panic and anxiety written all over your face. That is what Rani Mukerjee portrayed in her opening scenes and it would be impossible for you not to get goosebumps and wonder what will happen next.

This film then goes on to show the journey of Debika Chatterjee on how she is fighting a lone battle as a mother to get the children back against all odds and at any cost in a foreign land where she did not know even the language.

If you are a parent, you would cry along with Rani when she was asked to not show love and tears to her child, or when her children were taken away second time despite court orders are in place for them to get children back. Rani through her impeccable performance would make you root for her when she was trying to stealthily take away the children from the foster care and us praying that she is successful. And you can’t help but cheer at the triumph of the mother in the end.

Through the intense and sharp dramatization of events unfurling in front of you, you are taken through an emotional roller coaster ride along with the mother who was fighting the battle single-handed. Rani Mukerjee was phenomenal here where she just gave her heart and soul to the role, connecting you with the pain of the mother.

Yes, the husband and in-laws may seem too villainous, which makes you wonder how much of that is true and how much is dramatized. While it may come a shocker to few, the reality was much harsher than what was shown.

Norway’s Ambassador to India writes: ‘Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway’ is a ...

In a nutshell, if I want to say this film suits this thought most aptly by Linda Wooten (Book Mothers thoughts), “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fear you didn’t know existed”.

Last but not the least, this film serves an eye opener for many of us to not quickly jump to conclusions and pass judgements on parents whose children are taken away by Child Welfare Systems.

Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway Day 2 Collection - StreamingDue.Com

The true source of inspiration of film

This film is inspired from true story of Sagarika Chakraborty and events that happened with her in Norway. Sagarika not only had to fight against the whole nation to get her children back but also against her own husband and family. She had to fight against the labels of mentally unstable, mentally unfit mother put by the Norwegian authorities. And trust me, as I have met Sagarika, the truth is miles away from what was projected.


She is a progressive independent woman who has carved a niche for herself after that earth shattering event. She went on to prove everyone wrong by securing further degrees in MCA and MBA to work in reputable software institution She is a single mother who is still fighting against irrelevant questions asked of her, the stigma of divorcee, judgements passed on her with head held high. It is a delight to just talk to her, as you just get that strength to fight on for your kids as a mother.

Last but not the least, her book or this film is not an attempt to gain fame, but an attempt of a mother to create awareness and motivate parents who lost their kids for spurious reasons to fight for them. This is an attempt to make the world know that not everything is Black or White as painted by Child Welfare departments.

“So please do watch the movie in the nearest theatre”.

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