
Netflix recently released its newest Korean reality show, Physical 100. With the premise of identifying who has the strongest body, Physical 100 consists of 100 men and women of various ages and races from all corners of South Korea performing various tasks to display their strength. Although there are famous fitness / crossfit influencers, bodybuilders, MMA fighters, active and retired professional athletes, there are also participants with more surprising professions such as a zombie choreographer, farmer, cheerleader, and actress. Through various individual and 1-on-1 competitions, the initial cast of 100 is cut after each challenge and losing contestants must smash their bust on their way out. With the final prize of 300,000,000 Korean Won (roughly $243,000 USD), the competition is fierce as players put everything on the line. 


Initially, I wasn’t expecting much from Physical 100, however after watching the first episode I was pleasantly surprised. It vaguely reminds me of Squid Games with its slightly mysterious, yet ominous tone and everyone dressed in the same uniform. Additionally there are masked “guards” and a random voice / “eyeball” that instructs the contestants to perform the various tasks. Although the “games” consist of relatively simple activities, such as hanging from a set of bars and 1-on-1 matches, it’s interesting and entertaining to listen to each participant’s thoughts as they push their own limits. I really enjoyed listening to their inner dialogues and strategies as they attempt to win each contest.

Physical 100 also does a great job at displaying women’s strength since the show does not provide any accommodations; regardless of their gender all contestants are treated equally. Although some would initially think that the women are at an immediate disadvantage, there were a few female contestants who outlasted the majority of the male participants. As with any competition, there are people who are willing to do anything to win, even if it does not mean playing “fair”. Some contestants choose opponents who are within their class, however there are a few men who choose a female contestant in their 1-on-1 competition with the mindset of an “easy” win. Although Physical 100 hasn’t released the episode of this 1-on-1 battle, I am looking forward to seeing some of the female contestants put their male counterparts to shame!

I would definitely recommend watching Physical 100 if you’re interested in athletic competitions, female empowerment, or need an easy, yet entertaining show to watch!

New episodes are released every Tuesday on Netflix!

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